Sermon Blessings of living by the Word of the Lord The first verse of Psalm 1 instructs us to avoid the company of the wicked and the path of sin, urging us to steer clear of the influences…
Section A Lesson 1: Wait on the Lord Do you feel a calling to be a church leader, but worry that your insecurities will hinder your success? Do you think you lack the strength…
Section A Lesson 6: Avoid Becoming A Casualty God is seeking individuals to rise to positions of leadership. Each new movement of the Spirit has been characterized by God's appointment…
New Believers School Lesson 2: Learning about God God is far beyond our full comprehension. He exists without beginning or end, and His presence is felt throughout all places.
Featured Lesson 3: Man and Satan God had a great purpose for creating humanity, both male and female. He envisioned a beautiful plan for them.
New Believers School Lesson 7: The Resurrection Chapter 7 The Resurrection After His death on the Cross, Jesus lay in the grave for three days. Matthew 12:40. Then God raised His Son from…
New Believers School Lesson 9: Faith Faith has always been the mark of a disciple of Jesus. The early disciples were known as BELIEVERS. Jesus said: “… Everything is possible…
New Believers School Lesson 12: The Holy Spirit After Jesus rose from the dead, He appeared to His disciples for 40 days. Then, when they were all gathered together with Him on the top of…
New Believers School Lesson 16: Kingdom Living We have been delivered from Satan’s dominion (rulership or headship). We are now under a whole new authority - that of the Lord Jesus…
New Believers School Lesson 17: Worship Bless the Lord, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name” Psalms 103:1. It is awesome to consider that we have the ability…