Section A Lesson 9: Receive The Triple Anointing God desires for you to be a leader who achieves results and makes a significant impact in your community! But how can you embody such…
New Believers School Lesson 21: Call Of God God has a unique purpose for each believer in the Lord Jesus Christ. His calling encompasses a magnificent plan for our lives that…
Featured Discover the Books of the Bible: A Comprehensive Guide The Bible is a collection of 66 books, each with its own unique story and purpose, yet all intricately connected as part of God’s grand…
New Believers School Lesson 1: What the Bible teaches The Word of God – the Holy Bible – is God’s special book. It is not like other books, but is a supernatural book. It was written by many…
New Believers School Lesson 2: Learning about God God is far beyond our full comprehension. He exists without beginning or end, and His presence is felt throughout all places.
Featured Lesson 3: Man and Satan God had a great purpose for creating humanity, both male and female. He envisioned a beautiful plan for them.
New Believers School Lesson 4: Jesus Two thousand years ago, a remarkable man entered the pages of history. He was born and raised like any other individual, yet he was unlike…
Featured Lesson 5: The Cross When Jesus was crucified on the cross, evil men believed they were merely ending the life of someone who threatened their way of living.…
New Believers School Lesson 6: The Blood Of Christ The shedding of Jesus Christ’s blood on the Cross was a factor in order for us to receive forgiveness for our sins and acceptance into the…
New Believers School Lesson 7: The Resurrection Chapter 7 The Resurrection After His death on the Cross, Jesus lay in the grave for three days. Matthew 12:40. Then God raised His Son from…