Be Grounded in Love




Monday 22nd January 2024

Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. – 1 Timothy 2:1–2

In his opening verse, Paul is giving his protégé a set of instructions about the importance of praying for everyone. He prioritizes the importance of supplications, prayer, intercessions, and thanksgiving, which are all concepts or expressions associated with prayer.

We will focus on verse one for today and take up verse two tomorrow. What are the differences between the kinds of prayer Paul mentions? Here are a few definitions to help you understand the passage:

• Supplications – making requests for specific needs. When we ask God to help us with a marital, parenting, or some other issue, we are making a supplication to God.

• Prayer – communicating with God. This constitutes talking to God and listening for Him to speak back to us in our hearts.

• Intercession – appealing boldly before God on behalf of others. The focus of intercession is others and not ourselves. It is presenting their needs and our desires for them to God.

• Thanksgiving – an expression of gratitude to God on behalf of others. This is when we thank the Lord for what He has done. All these kinds should feature appropriately when we go before the Lord in prayer.There are some observations to make from today’s passage:

• Prayer must be a priority in the believer’s life – “therefore, I exhort first of all…” It must be our first course of action in a crisis, a dilemma or even in the victories we win. Prayer need not necessarily be in a particular posture. The silent, whispered prayer from the heart is sufficient to get the Father’s attention.

• Prayer is not just about our personal needs but also the needs of others – “ made for all men.” God wants us to pray for others just as much as we desire to pray for ourselves. He graciously takes care of our needs as we focus more on praying for others.

• Prayers must manifest concern for others – To pray for “everyone” does not suggest that we must mention each human being by name but that our prayers should include all groups of human beings, without distinction of race, nationality, or social position—they must be the theme of our prayers.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I pray for all the people of the earth. Let your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. In Jesus’ Name, Amen!

Scripture Reading: 1 Timothy 2


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