ASCII file ASCII, or American Standard Code for Information Interchange, is a character encoding standard used to represent text in computers and other…
AT command set The "Hayes Command Set," a foundational standard for modem communication, comprises a collection of commands that initiate different…
attachment In the context of electronic communication, an attachment refers to a file that is sent alongside an email message, enhancing the message's…
Gallery A gallery in WordPress is a collection of photographs, illustrations, product images, or videos displayed in a variety of rows and columns.
GitHub GitHub is a cloud-based platform that allows developers to store and manage their software projects. Its name is derived from the Git…
Header The header is the area located at the top of your WordPress website. Typically, it features the website logo and primary navigation.
Home Page The home page serves as the primary page of a website and is where visitors will first encounter your business or blog.
Hooks In WordPress development, hooks refer to functions that can be utilized for actions or filters within the platform. They are a key aspect of…
Hotlinking Hotlinking occurs when someone embeds one of your images or media files on their website using a direct link to your image URL, without your…
HTML HTML, which stands for 'HyperText Markup Language', is the coding language that structures all webpages on the World Wide Web.