A Son is Given: The Unspeakable Gift of God
In the quiet, intimate moments that follow the birth of a child, an age-old truth resonates profoundly
A son is given. This phrase, as it appears in the prophetic work of Isaiah’s biblical accounts, has broader significance and encapsulates the wonder of new life, the weight of God’s love, and the promise of deliverance through the seed of the woman.
Such a gift that words cannot explain, as Paul writes in the Epistles. God, in his infinite mercies, has provided, beyond measure, different kinds of grace to enhance humanity. But the gift of His incarnation remains indescribable.
For unto us a Child is born,
Unto us a Son is given;
And the government will be upon His shoulder.
And His name will be called
Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
The Miracle of Birth
From the moment of conception, the angel who delivered the news about Christ’s birth to Mary emphatically stated the miraculous nature of the journey of the incarnation. The prophecy says, “A child is born…”
The birth of a child is often viewed as a blessing, symbolizing hope, joy, and the continuation of family legacies. But that of Jesus far outweighs this ideology. Christ, as fully God and fully man, is born in the innocent nature of a child. God communicates how he had wanted to share our humanity in every form so to be able to redeem us (Hebrews 2:14).
For many parents, the moment they hold their newborn for the first time is transformative. It is a moment of overwhelming love where future possibilities become tangible. In this context, the phrase “A child is born” further echoes not merely the physical act of Christ’s birth but also the responsibilities and roles God envisaged that the incarnated Christ will play in the redemptive work.
Again, childbirth generally conjures images of fathers nurturing their sons, teaching them values, and guiding them as they learn to navigate the world. Jesus’ birth as human also establishes the fatherly role of Joseph. Yes, God did not only choose Mary; he chose and spoke with Joseph. Christ serving as a child and growing in wisdom, good stature, and favor with God and man reflects the societal expectations and dreams that are often placed upon parents in building up their families.
The Weight of Legacy
Culturally, the birth of a son elicits a profound sense of legacy. Many societal narratives often imbue sons with the responsibilities of carrying on family names and traditions. “A son is given” speaks to the genealogy of Christ.
The gift of sonship speaks of the lineage of Christ fulfilling prophecies and establishing his divine mandates as articulated in the Old Testament beginning from the fall; it powerfully illustrates the fulfillment of prophetic expectations and the establishment of divine mandates through the lineage of Christ.
Born into a genealogy meticulously chronicled in scripture, Jesus embodies the culmination of centuries of anticipation, as seen in prophecies from figures like Isaiah and Micah, which foretold the coming of the Messiah. This divine heritage not only emphasizes Christ’s rightful place within the lineage of David but also affirms his role as the Son of God, bridging the chasm between humanity and the Divine.
Through his life, death, and resurrection, Jesus fulfills the promises of salvation and establishes a new covenant, inviting believers into a relationship of intimate sonship with God. Ultimately, this profound gift reflects God’s unwavering commitment to humanity and his sovereign plan to redeem the world, transforming lives and perpetuating the message of hope and grace throughout generations.
His Government
The authority and responsibility of Christ are profoundly reflected in His selfless leadership style, which stands in stark contrast to the self-imposing nature of earthly rule. Christ’s birth predicts a different kind of leadership; government on his shoulders symbolizes the servititude in which he leads over followers.
Unlike many worldly leaders who seek power for personal gain or recognition, Christ exemplifies a humility that prioritizes the well-being of others. His divinely inspired leadership is rooted in love, service, and sacrifice, as He consistently placed the needs of His followers above His own, even to the point of laying down His life.
This selfless approach not only redefines authority as a call to serve rather than dominate but also challenges us to reconsider our own leadership practices. In a world often marked by ambition and power struggles, Christ’s model invites us to embrace a form of governance that is compassionate, inclusive, and anchored in a profound sense of responsibility to uplift others, thereby illustrating the true nature of divine authority.
Special Names
The names of Christ mentioned in the prophetic accounts serve as profound illustrations of His mission in our lives, each one encapsulating a unique aspect of His divine purpose.
Wonderful Counselor: Embodies the extraordinary wisdom and understanding He brought to His interactions with humanity. Through His teachings and parables, he would demonstrate a profound ability to discern the hearts and minds of those around Him, offering guidance that transcends mere human reasoning. With supernatural insights, that would enable Him to address complex moral dilemmas and provide comfort to the weary, imparting wisdom that speaks to the deepest needs of the soul.
Mighty God: The concept of the incarnated child, Jesus Christ, embodies the profound belief that He is not merely a messenger of God but is, in fact, God Himself in human form. This teaching of the Incarnation asserts that the divine essence of Almighty God was wholly present in the fragile form of a newborn, reflecting a remarkable union of humanity and divinity.
Everlasting Father:The name beautifully encapsulates the great and emphatic divine role that God represents for believers, presenting Himself as the final source of love, guidance, and protection. This sacred relationship symbolized that of a devoted father to his children, where every act of care, provision, and correction reflects an unwavering commitment to our well-being. Through the gift of grace and the promise of eternal life, we are invited into an intimate bond that transcends time and circumstance, establishing a deep father-to-son relationship characterized by trust and affection.
Prince of Peace: Christ’s birth presents the promise of reconciliation and redemption that Christ offers to humanity through his sacrificial work on the cross. In a world fractured by sin and strife, this divine designation signifies not only a peaceful resolution of enmity between God and people but also the restoration of broken relationships among individuals.